• Copy of Largest component in spatial random graphs

  • Largest component in spatial random graphs

  • Department Away Day

  • Largest component in spatial inhomogeneous random graphs

  • Largest component in spatial inhomogeneous random graphs

  • Copy of Leiden research presentation

  • (Second-)largest component in spatial inhomogeneous random graphs - Dieter

  • Leiden research presentation

  • Copy of (Second-)largest component in spatial inhomogeneous random graphs

  • Oxford research presentation

  • (Second-)largest component in spatial inhomogeneous random graphs

  • PhD Defense

  • Copy of Cluster-size decay

  • Cluster-size decay (Julia)

  • Cluster-size decay

  • Minimal

  • MiSe Distance evolutions

  • Distance evolutions (GrHyDy)

  • Distance evolutions (Franco-Dutch)

  • Copy of Distance evolutions

  • Distance evolutions

  • Not all interventions are equal for the second peak - Complex Networks 2020

    Preseentation for the lightning talk as given on Complex Networks 2020.

  • Combinatorics meeting: Corona Interventions on GIRGs

  • PIMS: Corona Interventions on GIRGs

  • Corona GIRG Interventions 1

  • Weighted distances in Preferential